Shmoop SAT® Test Prep 1.3
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $4.99, Version: 1.02 -> 1.3 (iTunes)

Get ready to kick SAT butt, take names. Shmoop SAT Test Prep is almost certainly the only source for a rigorous SAT preparation that uses examples ranging from Mario Brothers to the history of Coca-Cola to “I am the Walrus.” Shmoop Learning Guides are lovingly written by experts and educators – Ph.D. students from Stanford, Harvard, Berkeley, and other top universities. Shmoop SAT Test Prep is now available in handy app form, so you can gear up for the SAT anywhere you go: on a plane, under a tree, in a canoe. Topics We Cover: SAT Reading (Sentence Completion, Short Passages, Long Passages, Passage Comparisons), SAT Writing (Sentence Improvement, Sentence Errors, Improving Paragraphs), and SAT Math (Numbers and Operations, Algebra and Functions, Geometry and Measurements, Statistics and Probability).
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Shmoop SAT® Test Prep