Games in handball 1.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Sports
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)

This content is addressed both to handball coaches as and to a wide range of team sports professionals. The clarity and simplicity of carefully selected and analyzed materials are main features of this annex.The material is divided into three parts, which are suitable for different age groups.Part 1 "For children 6 to 10 years," which include 85 games and relays.Part 2 "for children from 11 to 13 years" which include 78 games and relays.Part 3 "for children from the age of 14" which include 79 games and relays.The annex includes 85 outdoor games and relay races recommended to be used for children aged from 6 to 10 years in physical education classes at comprehensive secondary schools and in handball sections.The annex consists of three parts. The first part includes games and relay races primarily focused on the development of physical qualities, the second one includes attack technique elements, and the third one contains elements of attack technique and defense.All games and relay races are accompanied with descriptions, diagrams, schematic illustrations of the most important points. The lists of physical qualities developed by using a chosen game as well as the list of recommended methods of any given element of technique are provided in addition.For more information visit http://www.ih-academy.com
Games in handball