Ask Russian! HD 2.0
Device: iOS iPad Only
Category: Travel
Price: $3.99 -> $.99, Version: 2.0 (iTunes)

★ Best Russian Learning App! ★ ★ Great interface on new iPad mini ★ Don't have enough time to study Russian before your trip? Don't worry! This app is perfect for those people planning to visit mother Russia! It's designed to teach you phrases which will assist with your travels throughout Russia. From arriving at airport, checking into your hotel, ordering food and even meeting friendly Russians to discuss your travels. Every need to know phrase is included in this convenient collection. Enjoy learning this beautiful, powerful and exciting language! ★ Features! ✔ 12 lengthy categories✔ Over 200 useful words and phrases✔ Audio phrases available for all 12 categories✔ All photos in glorious HD!✔ Large text for HD clarity✔ A clear layout with rich font so you can easily read the alphabet and phrases✔ Easy options to change font colour, background images and transparency✔ Application designed by native Russian speaker✔ All audio phrases recorded by native Russian speaker✔ User Interface designed for iPad
What's New
✔ Reduced app size for easy and quick updating✔ Improved audio
Ask Russian! HD