Fly Tyer - Step by Step Fly Tying Patterns 1.3
Device: iOS iPad Only
Category: Sports
Price: Free, Version: 1.2 -> 1.3 (iTunes)

Get “Fly Tyer” Free iPad app and learn how to tie highly effective fly patterns for every fly fishing specie! This app is perfect for beginners as well as for experienced fly tyers! Follow photo tutorials with tips and instructions and learn how to easily make all types of fishing flies!- Highly detailed step-by-step fly tying tutorials with photos of each step!- Different flies for different water conditions: dry, wet, nymphs…- Freshwater fly patterns: trout flies, bass flies, pike flies, salmon flies, and more!- Saltwater fly patterns: bonefish flies, tarpon flies, and more!- Modern and traditional fly tying techniques!- Fly tying instructions, fly patterns and information on fly tying tools and materials!- Tips for choosing the right threads, hooks and feathers, and other fly tying equipment including hairs, furs and other body and tail parts!- Patterns for most famous flies which are proven to be effective on many locations and under all weather conditions!
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Fly Tyer - Step by Step Fly Tying Patterns