The Daily Planet Health 5.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: Free, Version: 4.5 -> 5.1 (iTunes)

"Your place to get all the news (4/5 stars)" - CNET.com
"A perfect application for anyone who is on the go" - iPhone Life Magazine
"One of the Top 10 Universal Apps to own!" - AppModo.com
"Set to become of the best News apps on the market." - The Top App Reviews
"Deserves a place on every iPad and iPhone" - Apps-Touch.com
Be informed about your health.
- Latest health and medical news from a variety of sources
- Categorized by health issues and topics
- Choose your news sources and highlight for easier access
- Latest news on cancer, Diabetes, HIV/AIDS and influenza
This is the Health section of our main free app, The Daily Planet. Please check out The Daily Planet for a full range of functions. (http://itunes.apple.com/app/the-daily-planet/id497180318?ls=1&mt=8)
What's New
Bug fixes
Server upgrade
The Daily Planet Health