Fast Pack Out 1.6.3
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 1.6.2 -> 1.6.3 (iTunes)

iCAT's Fast Packout© Mobile App allows Apple users to leverage a highly intuitive, simple to use methodology for inventorying contents. Built to support the restoration industry's leading contents operations software (iCAT in the CLOUD), the Fast Packout© Mobile App helps packout crews increase productivity; it just works faster!
Taking pictures, documenting damage and tracking barcodes are all done quickly and easily. Without compromising speed, this App allows users to gather mission critical detail about job items guaranteeing the ability to deliver Tier One customer service throughout the entire claims process.
Contractors can:
• Add jobs
• Photo document items and rooms
• Scan barcodes
• Track content locations
• Enter notes
• View, Print and Email Content List Report
• Work offline and sync later
• Work in a real time environment using LIVE Packout©
Whether your team sync later, or takes advantage of the Live Packout© feature, this App makes connecting packout data directly into iCAT in the CLOUD easier than ever.
What's New
- Notes Enhancement
Fast Pack Out