Job Interview Question-Answer 1.6
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.5 -> 1.6 (iTunes)

Job Interview Questions and Answers is a free interactive video app that helps you practice your answers to tough interview questions in an easy-to-use mock interview format.
Watch as you are asked a tough interview question. Get an opportunity to record your response to that question so you can see what you look like to your interviewer. Is it a strong enough answer? Not sure?
Then you can see job interview coach Peggy McKee, CEO of Career Confidential, give HER answer to that question. Youíll see how to structure your answer in order to make a strong, positive impression on the hiring manager.
Career Confidential has shared this tool with 3000 members on their website, www.CareerConfidential.com, and 99% said it improved their interview skills immediately.
Now we want to share it with you.
Get these 5 questions for free:
ïTell me about yourself.
ïWhy do you want to join this company?
ïWhy have you been out of work for so long?
ïDescribe yourself to me in one word.
ïWhat have you been doing since you got laid off?
After these 5, you will have access to 15 additional questions, like:
ïWhat salary are you looking for?
ïWe donít think you have enough (or the right kind) of experienceÖ
ïWhere do you see yourself in 3-5 years?
ïTell me about a time when you failed.
And many more.
You will have access to Career Confidential CEO Peggy McKee, whoís been coaching job seekers to success since 1999. Over 13 years of experience and advice are at your fingertips with this exciting, well-designed, simple-to-use app.
What's New
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Job Interview Question-Answer