neu.Notes+ 1.20
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: $1.99, Version: 1.19.2 -> 1.20 (iTunes)

Take notes and draw on your iPad™ with the best app in the store for handwritten notes, sketching, mind mapping, and more!
Express yourself with multiple pens, each customizable with multiple colors, line widths, and transparency/opacity.
Annotate photos and maps.
Unlimited undo/redo.
Pinch zoom in and out of details.
Organize notes/drawings into notebooks. Use tags for finer levels of notepad organization and management.
Share using Twitter and email to send PNG images and PDFs..
Create multi-page hand-written PDF documents.
Write notes with a stylus comfortably with the palm guard.
Supports the Apple VGA connector and AirPlay Mirroring. Simultaneously display on your iPad and a second monitor or projector.
Uses vector graphics so you can export your notes as vector-based PDFs, which are compatible with desktop applications such as Adobe Illustrator™!
More features:
- iCloud Support:
+ Automatic synch between iOS devices
- native ".neunote" file support (email, "Open in…", import, export)
- export/mail notebook pages as ZIP of JPG or PNG files
- import from iTunes and Dropbox (.neunote files only)
- line styles (solid, dashed, dotted)
- line arrow styles (filled, unfilled, circle)
- custom colors and color palette management
- Lock elements on the page
- Thinner lines (.1 pt)
- Sort notebooks by title, date created or date modified
- View notebooks as thumbnails grid or as a list
- Export to DropBox
- Set page size
- Edit elements
- Image editor- Selection tool (allows move, cut, copy, paste of elements)
- Move, resize, rotate elements
- Align, arrange elements
- Group elements
See the demo video: http://youtu.be/ebSVI1l8a9I
Please send comments and feedback to support@neupen.com.
Thank you!
What's New
- OneDrive support
- Ability to shuffle pages
- Box issues