St Anthony's Primary School Kingscliff - Skoolbag 3.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 2.6.0 -> 3.0 (iTunes)

St Anthonys Primary School Kingscliff Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at SAPSK. It features Events, News, School Enews Newsletters,Documents, Parent Forms, Login links, and push notification alerts direct from the school.
What's New
New Version 3 features include:
- Supports iPhone 6 and 6 Plus resolution
- Rotation/landscape view when viewing landscape on larger resolution devices.
- New interface design and content navigation improvements
- Colour coded for each school
- Support for the Custom Form Builder
- iPhone Version has new Accessibility mode for visual impaired users.
- iPad Version!
St Anthony's Primary School Kingscliff - Skoolbag